So after many hours spent perusing the sometimes ridiculous, much debate with and input from a few very close friends and family members, and more than a little changing my mind…IT IS SETTLED. She has a name. And it shall be…Finlay Adair Ramsey. Why, you might ask? Because I said so. (Getting my parenting practice now.) Actually, I heard the name Finlay on a TV show a few months before I got pregnant. I liked it. When I started making my list of possible names a few weeks ago, that was one of the first to be added. I then proceeded to add about 20 other girl’s names that I saw and liked. Finally, a week ago, I got serious and cut the list down to three. Surprisingly enough, it was pretty much the first three I’d started with. The deciding factor ended up being the meaning. I KNOW! I have no idea why I didn’t look that up sooner. Finlay (sounds like Finn-lee) is a Scottish name that means ‘Fair Warrior’, which is pretty much a perfect representation of the kind of person I hope and dream my daughter will be. I want her to be ‘fair’ in every sense of the word. Pretty, sweet, tolerant, just, kind…you know, the fairest of them all and stuff. But I also hope that she will be smart and tough and independent and passionate and willing to fight for what she believes in. A perfect balance. So, there it is. Finally. Can’t wait to meet Miss Finlay Adair.
And she may even have her first nickname! I told my parents her name the other day, and got pretty much the exact mixed response I anticipated. I believe my dad’s words were, it’ll take some getting used to, but that’s nice. Later Daddy and I were at my sister’s and I was recounting my mom’s reaction to the great name unveiling. I think my sister asked my dad what he thought, and he said, “Of what? Ol’ Finnegan Apricot?” Those of you who know my dad know that this is typical Steve Ramsey. But it made me laugh, and I’ll admit to thinking of the baby as ‘little Finnegan Apricot’ more than a few times since. So, perhaps we have a nickname, at the very least, a special story to tell Finlay someday about her Grandpa and her name.

Sunday, January 16, 2011
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Out of the Mouths of Babes...
• Overheard while on the phone with my sister this morning, who was home with her 2 and 4 year old boys: “No, nobody needs a screwdriver." Never a dull moment in that house.
• After picking up my 6 year old niece Haylee from school today, she said, “Mammy, I know how you can get some more money,” a recurring theme with her these days. Usually she tells me of some great job she’s decided I should get. One time she said I should go work at a bakery, so that I could bring home all the extra cookies for her. Last time she told me I should just go be a doctor. Today she says, “You can get a man to bring you some home from work.” Oh, if life were only that simple!
• Haylee is always full of questions about the coming baby. Today she asked me if they would be able to tell me if I am having a girl or a boy when we go to “look at the baby” in a few weeks at my next ultrasound. I told her yes. She then says, “But how will they know since it still doesn’t have hair?” Trying to avoid an outright anatomy lesson, I replied, “Well, how did you know that your brothers were boys when they were born? They didn’t have hair.” And she patiently answered, with a touch of exasperation in her voice, “Because they TOLD us they were boys. I REALLY wanted them to be girls, though. Can you please have a girl baby so she can play with me?” Doing my best, Doodle, doing my best.
• Still my favorite baby-related conversation to date was one my sister overheard between the kids at the breakfast table a few weeks ago. Haylee: “I want Mammy to have a baby girl.” Brayden – “Well I want her to have a boy.” Haylee – “WHY?!” Brayden – “And I want her to name him Iron Man! Everyone will probably laugh about that. But not Mammy.” If my own kid thinks I’m even half as cool as my niece and nephews do, I’ll be one lucky Mommy. :)
• After picking up my 6 year old niece Haylee from school today, she said, “Mammy, I know how you can get some more money,” a recurring theme with her these days. Usually she tells me of some great job she’s decided I should get. One time she said I should go work at a bakery, so that I could bring home all the extra cookies for her. Last time she told me I should just go be a doctor. Today she says, “You can get a man to bring you some home from work.” Oh, if life were only that simple!
• Haylee is always full of questions about the coming baby. Today she asked me if they would be able to tell me if I am having a girl or a boy when we go to “look at the baby” in a few weeks at my next ultrasound. I told her yes. She then says, “But how will they know since it still doesn’t have hair?” Trying to avoid an outright anatomy lesson, I replied, “Well, how did you know that your brothers were boys when they were born? They didn’t have hair.” And she patiently answered, with a touch of exasperation in her voice, “Because they TOLD us they were boys. I REALLY wanted them to be girls, though. Can you please have a girl baby so she can play with me?” Doing my best, Doodle, doing my best.
• Still my favorite baby-related conversation to date was one my sister overheard between the kids at the breakfast table a few weeks ago. Haylee: “I want Mammy to have a baby girl.” Brayden – “Well I want her to have a boy.” Haylee – “WHY?!” Brayden – “And I want her to name him Iron Man! Everyone will probably laugh about that. But not Mammy.” If my own kid thinks I’m even half as cool as my niece and nephews do, I’ll be one lucky Mommy. :)
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Things that I have experienced in the last week.
1. While shopping in Publix, I made the mistake of glancing up from my shopping list. My eyes immediately landed on a figure stooped over one of the produce cases. His back was to me, affording me a great view of his jorts, belted just below his butt cheeks, which were mostly covered by his red plaid boxers. I say ‘mostly covered’ because just above the boxers was about two inches of crack. I roll my eyes and think to myself, ‘His mother should kick his butt,’ about the time he stands up, turns around and reveals himself to be no less than 65 years old. It’s a whole new world out there.
2. At my second hospital visit this week for pregnancy-related dehydration, instead of a room, I was place in one of the 3 trauma bays, which only had a curtain. At one point during the night, a very chatty young guy was in the area next door. It finally got pretty quiet around 2 am. When my oxygen alarm began going off every minute or so, I heard what sounded like an echo. It took me a minute to realize, that dude next door was imitating every noise that came out of my room, including when I coughed or audibly sighed. It was a special kind of irritating.
3. Had to bite my tongue on visit 3 to the hospital when the admissions clerk came in to verify my information, lest I had moved or gotten married in the 2 days since my last stay. She asked all the regular questions, and then said is this the result of an accident? It was all I could do to not say, “Well, technically….” ;)
4. On another trip to Publix, this time in the pouring rain, I was nearly run down while loading my groceries by some idiot who was backing in, from the wrong direction, to the parking space right next to me, which happened to be the closest spot to the door. To do this, he had to cut off a little old lady who was approaching the spot from the correct direction. His hurry? To park and wait for the passenger whom he’d just dropped off at the door. REALLY?? Chivalry is definitely dead.
1. While shopping in Publix, I made the mistake of glancing up from my shopping list. My eyes immediately landed on a figure stooped over one of the produce cases. His back was to me, affording me a great view of his jorts, belted just below his butt cheeks, which were mostly covered by his red plaid boxers. I say ‘mostly covered’ because just above the boxers was about two inches of crack. I roll my eyes and think to myself, ‘His mother should kick his butt,’ about the time he stands up, turns around and reveals himself to be no less than 65 years old. It’s a whole new world out there.
2. At my second hospital visit this week for pregnancy-related dehydration, instead of a room, I was place in one of the 3 trauma bays, which only had a curtain. At one point during the night, a very chatty young guy was in the area next door. It finally got pretty quiet around 2 am. When my oxygen alarm began going off every minute or so, I heard what sounded like an echo. It took me a minute to realize, that dude next door was imitating every noise that came out of my room, including when I coughed or audibly sighed. It was a special kind of irritating.
3. Had to bite my tongue on visit 3 to the hospital when the admissions clerk came in to verify my information, lest I had moved or gotten married in the 2 days since my last stay. She asked all the regular questions, and then said is this the result of an accident? It was all I could do to not say, “Well, technically….” ;)
4. On another trip to Publix, this time in the pouring rain, I was nearly run down while loading my groceries by some idiot who was backing in, from the wrong direction, to the parking space right next to me, which happened to be the closest spot to the door. To do this, he had to cut off a little old lady who was approaching the spot from the correct direction. His hurry? To park and wait for the passenger whom he’d just dropped off at the door. REALLY?? Chivalry is definitely dead.
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