Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Desperately Seeking Molly Whisperer

I've been feeling lonesome lately. A little acutely aware of the fact that I haveth no friendseth. I'm homesick for Tally, though all my friends there have no doubt long since forgotten me and upgraded to a newer and more better model 'manda. I just don't seem to be able to really connect with anyone here. I miss Shane. :o( The others I fear merely tolerate my presence as Chris' other half, and I can't ever seem to relax and be myself around anyone but Dave. I'm too old for this shy bullshit. I am a nice and funny person. Why is it that I no longer am able to speak English and make witty conversation when we are around certain people? I am so intimidated, and it fills me with self-loathing and contempt. I needs me some friends dammit!! I even want someone to go shopping with. That is proof positive of my desperation, for I am not that average mall-crawling girlie-girl. Maybe one of these days.


So, we watched the Dog Whisperer tonight for some incredibly strange reason. Mostly strange because we have neither a dog nor any intention of obtaining a dog in the foreseeable future. What was funny was how totally fascinated Chris was by him. Now we are on a quest to find a cat whisperer. Molly is in desperate need of psychological help, and now Chris is sure it is out there somewhere. If you hear of anyone, let me know!

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